Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Smear for Smear!

Campaign overview: 

Smear for Smear was a campaign aimed at woman to highlight the importance of going for a smear test. There are thousands of women diagnosed with abnormal cells every day but over 90% are completely normal. People have died of cervical cancer and various other problems but if you are tested regularly it could possibly be treated and cured.


How did the campaign engage their audience? (3 examples):

1. The campaign engaged their audience by posting photos on their own social media pages for people to view. People could do this by tagging (#jostrust or #smearforsmear). This would then link to Jo's page and link to other people who have joined in.
2. They also got the health board to help them and provide them with all the statistics to make a successful advert. In the adverts they also used celebrity examples and their influence made other people get involved.
3. It was an easy task for girls to take part in as all they had to do was smear their lipstick. Most people took a photo of this too. This engaged males also as they may have had partners or family/friends with cervical issues.


How did the campaign get users linking/participating? (3 examples):
1. People took photos of themselves with smeared lipstick and posted it on social media and linked by tagging the campaign.

2. You could also share your posts for more people to see and influence them.

3. You could also participate by simply donating to help the campaign raise money to pay for more research and help find more cures and more means of prevention. 

Evaluate the success of the campaign 

The campaign proved to be successful as as well as raising a lot of money it also provided people with a lot of evidence that would make them think twice before not going for their smear. More people have went and got the test done as numbers have went up. In schools there is a staggering amount of girls receiving the HPV vaccine to help fight against ever getting cervical cancer and giving both the teenager and their parents more information on the disease.

Marks and Spencers Pass the Parcel!

Campaign overview

A few years in a row now Marks and Spencer's have made a competition called Pass The Parcel. This works by them giving away 200,000 prizes ranging from discounts to gift cards. You were allowed to unwrap 5 gifts per day with a chance to win prizes.

How did the campaign engage their audience? (3 examples)

1. Audiences were engaged by seeing how many people had won at the top of the page to make them want to win even more. As you can see above it tells you how many people have won and this is done live so that you constantly know how many prizes have been won and how many are left.
2. The campaign was also advertised on facebook, twitter, instagram and television which engage people with a competitive side to join in and try and win prizes.
3. They also reiterated that it was free to play and you could play the addictive game every day, which again gets competitive people more engaged in the game.

How did the campaign get users linking/participating? (3 examples)

1. They got users participating by letting them make an account that only they could access to play.
2. People could post it on social media and tag people in it to get more unwraps for that day. I myself played it in college and shared it with some people in the class.
3. You were allowed to share it via email so users did not need to have social media to play which attracted a lot of older users.

Evaluate the success of the campaign 

The campaign proved successful as a lot of the gifts were discount it meant people would buy something so they could get money off which boosted sales for the company. It was also successful as millions of people were playing the game in the UK and going in store to claim their prizes which would then lead to them shopping around in store and possibly spending a lot more than anticipated.

Ice Bucket Challenge campaign!

Campaign overview

The ice bucket challenge was done in 2014 into 2015, it was done to raise money for the ALS charity. The charity raise money for people who have motor neurone disease which attacks nerves and leads to weakness in your muscles. The whole idea of the ice bucket challenge was to cover yourself in freezing cold water for you to experience what it feels like for people who suffer from the disease.

How did the campaign engage their audience? (3 examples)

1. The campaign engaged their audience by making it something fun to do and you did not need to participate to donate. Instructions were given with this and explained what you needed and how to do it. It was simple to text a donation as all instructions were simple and clear. You were also given the option to do an even which would appeal to people who like organising.
2. Audiences were engaged by seeing videos of celebrities participating, within 2 months over 1 million videos were posted of people participating in the challenge. Obama at first declined the offer of doing the challenge and decided to donate instead but in the end he joined in and done the challenge. A lot of people would see this political member and think highly of him for helping charity and engage them.
3. TV adverts were made supporting the charity, which also engaged people as they found out more about it and what they could do to help and participate.

How did the campaign get users linking/participating? (3 examples)

1. People were linking and participating by posting their own videos on social media after they had done the challenge.
2. Also at the end of the video people were nominating specific friends to then do the challenge too by tagging them in the video or even just mentioning them in the video.
3. People were also participating/linking by tagging people in other peoples videos or even tagging or liking celebrities videos so that more people could view them.

Success of the campaign 

The campaign was proven to be successful as in the space of a few months the money raised was over 6 times the amount that was raised in the previous year. Although a lot of new donors were only donating the once and not monthly it still raised a lot of awareness and a lot of money.